Thursday, January 14, 2010


We, HAW enterprise are have invest on boer and feral goat in Sabah, Malaysia. We have our farm at Sungai burong and Merotai, Tawau. Our goats till today had increase from 20 to 160. We have sale on male and female goat

Why we choose Boer?

  • Boer goats can prosper on poor pasture and brush that would not support other types of livestock. Some ranchers run Boer goats on the pasture after their cows – to clean up the weeds!
  • Boer goats are tame, gentle animals and the more you handle them, the gentler they become
  • Boer goats are good breeders. Under good conditions, Boer goat can kid 3 times in 2 years!
  • Boer goats consistently produce more muscling in less time than other goat breeds
  • Boer goats are good milkers, allowing them to raise multiple offspring with excellent weight gains
  • Boer female kids can reach puberty at 6 months of age and are considered early breeders. Male kids can be used for breeding at 5 to 6 months of age
  • Compared with other goat breeds, Boers put on more weight and generally look fuller and healthier
  • Goat meat is healthier than other kinds of meat (it’s a fact that goat has less fat than other kinds of meat. As more people turn to healthier diets, demand for goat meat will only increase further. And Boers are known to have the leanest, best meat among all goat breeds!

Below are some of the picture on our goats and facilities

(Sungai Burong Goat facility- can accommodate up to 500 goats )

(Merotai Goat facility- can accommodate up to 60 goats )

(We let our goats to go around the estate for their exercise)
see below pictures that our goats is on their waiting to go outside.... they like to go outside for fun as it is more spacious and eat grass at the estate.

We offer our price as below
  • F1 boer (male) = RM600 -700 for the age of 6 months
  • F1 boer (female) = RM600 for the age of 6 months

We also offer mature Boer (male) with price of RM1200 -RM1500 each. Below are some picture on our male boer

Please inform us if interest.
Tel: 0198998837, 0105827699
Fax: 089779627

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